Friends Subscription Renewal Off line

Please use this form if you are renewing an Individual (£21) or Family (£38) Friends subscription and wish to pay by Cheque, Bank Transfer or setup a Standing Order .
Please fill in the form and submit to GAF, you will then have to make your payment manually by one of the methods shown.
If you would like to pay on-line please (click here)

By Cheque

Make your cheque payable to;
Greyladyes Arts Foundation
and send to;
GAF Centre
School Road
Old Bursledon
SO31 8BX

By Bank Transfer Or Standing Order

Make a bank transfer or regular standing order to 

CAF Bank
Sort Code; 40-52-40
Account Name; Greyladys Arts Foundation
Account Number; 00015346 

Please date standing orders 1st August

Gift Aid

Make your subscription / contribution worth more with Gift Aid at no more cost to you.  Gift Aid will increase the value of your membership to GAF, currently 25 pence for every £1 donated . Gift aid is conditional on you paying income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax GAF reclaims on your donation.

If you would like the Greyladyes Arts Foundation to treat this and all future donations for the purpose of reclaiming Gift Aid and confirm that you meet  with the tax requirements as above, then please tick the box on the Friends form

  • If you would like to make an addition donation. Please enter the amount here